Following are links to other websites that provide good information about learning disabilities, ADHD, and other neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as about special education issues.
International Dyslexia Association
IDA is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide education and advocacy services to people affected by or interested in dyslexia. IDA has branches that serve areas across the United States as well as internationally.
Understood for Learning and Attention Issues
Understood was founded by15 different nonprofit agencies and provides a wealth of information on topics related to learning and attention difficulties.
BrainWorks, P.A.
is power
Click on the buttons to go to the linked websites
- Francis Bacon
Wrightslaw provides an abundance of information and resources related to education law, special education law, and advocacy for students with disabilities.
Children & Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
CHADD is a nonprofit organization that offers education, advocacy, and support for people with ADHD.
National Center for Learning Disabilities
NCLD provides information, programs, and advocacy for children and adults with learning and attention issues.
International Dyslexia Association - Upper Midwest Branch
IDA-UMB provides information and education (including webinars and an annual conference) about dyslexia. As a branch of the IDA, IDA-UMB serves Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota, offering education, events, and referrals.