What Diagnoses or Information Processing Difficulties Can Be Identified With Neuropsychological Assessment?
BrainWorks, P.A.
Comprehensive Neuropsychological Assessment
Targeted Neuropsychological Assessment
Individualized Assessment
A Comprehensive Neuropsychological Assessment can answer both broad and specific questions like:
Does my daughter have some sort of learning disability? * I know my child is bright, so why don't his grades show it?
Why do the teachers keep saying my son is underachieving and needs to work harder?
Does my child have dyslexia and/or dysgraphia? * Why can't I understand math? * Could my daughter have ADHD?
Is it test anxiety or does my child have a learning problem? * Why is my son struggling in school?
I always did okay in high school, so why am I failing my college classes?
Why does my daughter need to work so much harder than her friends to get the same grades?
I'm 50 and still wondering if I have a learning disability. * Is this a normal variation in learning or something diagnostic?
In order to meet the unique needs of each client, BrainWorks offers 3 different neuropsychological assessment options:
The Targeted Neuropsychological Assessment involves looking at general ability plus a targeted area of concern. The Targeted Assessment is appropriate for individuals who experience challenges in one specific cognitive/learning area and are functioning well in all other areas. A Targeted Assessment focuses on answering one specific diagnostic question and ruling out (or in) one particular diagnosis. It can be conducted for dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD, auditory processing disorder, and language disorder. A Targeted Assessment cannot be conducted for autism spectrum disorder because autism impacts numerous areas of development. A Targeted Assessment is usually not sufficient to request ACT or SAT accommodations.
The Individualized Assessment is generally reserved for people who have had some testing within the past 12 months but still have unanswered questions. It is meant to fill in the gaps and answer clinical questions not covered by previous testing administered by other clinicians or agencies. The scope of an Individualized Assessment is determined on a case-by-case basis. The past testing will be reviewed and a plan will be formulated depending on individual needs and diagnostic questions.
The Comprehensive Neuropsychological Assessment involves looking at a range of neurocognitive & learning capabilities including general ability, oral vocabulary, auditory processing, reading, written language, mathematics, visual-motor integration, attention, impulse control, executive functioning, 6 different aspects of memory, processing speed, etc. Results provide information about an individual's learning style as well as her/his neurocognitive/learning strengths and challenges. Results also help rule out (or in) a host of diagnoses including dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD, nonverbal learning disability, auditory processing disorder, autism spectrum disorder, etc. A comprehensive neuropsychological assessment is necessary if the purpose of testing is to determine whether a student qualifies for accommodations on the ACT or SAT.
A Targeted Neuropsychological Assessment can answer specific questions, such as:
Is my son dyslexic? * Could I possibly have a math learning disability?
Is my daughter's disorganization due to ADHD?
Dyslexia Dysgraphia Dyscalculia
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder
Auditory Processing Disorder Language Disorder Nonverbal Learning Disability
Slow Processing Speed Memory Problems Poor Comprehension Executive Dysfunction
Intellectual Giftedness Developmental Cognitive Disability