BrainWorks, P.A.
The Intermediate Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test (IVA-2 for children and IVA-AE-2 for adults) is a computerized test that, when used by a licensed clinician as a component of a comprehensive assessment, can provide data that helps rule ADHD in or out. Additionally, by performing comparative measures of baseline IVA performance against on-medication IVA performance, important information can be garnered about medication effectiveness.
BrainWorks clients who participate in a Comprehensive Neuropsychological Assessment or an Abbreviated Neuropsychological Assessment for ADHD will complete a baseline IVA. BrainWorks clients undergoing a Comprehensive Assessment or an Abbreviated Assessment for ADHD who are already taking a stimulant medication will usually complete both on- and off-medication IVA testing. BrainWorks clients who have completed a baseline (off-medication) IVA and later begin a trial of stimulant medication can return and do on-medication testing to measure treatment effectiveness. Individuals who need to try more than one stimulant medication for their ADHD may choose to complete an on-medication IVA for each medication.